Rain on the Organs

You’ve spent weeks planning for this vacation away from home and now you have the nagging feeling you’ve forgotten something. Happens to all of us. Not sure how many times I’ve packed for a weekend camping trip only to realize I forgot something, tent poles, sunscreen, bathing suit, lunch meat and one time I forgot bread for sandwiches. We laughed it off and made due. We tied our tent to a tree branch, kinda wonky but it worked, we ate vegi sandwiches and the time I forgot the bread we ended up having lettuce wraps. No big deal. Sometimes you forget to pack essential items like prescription medications that you cannot do without and have to return home for those items. Frustrating and time-consuming to say the least.

Make a list!

You will save tons of time and energy if you make a list of what you need to bring on any trip and what you need to do at home before you leave. The first and most important things on your list should be the essentials, things that you would have to turn around and go back for, no matter what.

The Open Window.

In New Mexico, it’s not uncommon to leave a couple of windows open during the spring, summer and fall. Evaporative or swamp coolers make it necessary to leave a window or two open in order for the system to function properly. Open windows are a way of life. If you’ve hired us to watch your home, give us a call. We will be more than happy to make sure the windows got closed.

What’s on your list of essentials?

Your favorite pillow? Prescription medications? Essential oils? That novel you’re in the middle of reading?